Are you forgetting something? You’re not imagining it. Remembering day-to-day things is getting harder and harder. Once you notice it, loss of memory seems to progress quickly. It becomes more debilitating the more you become aware of it. The majority of people don’t realize that there’s a link between loss of memory and loss of […]
It’s important to educate yourself about hearing loss, particularly if you or somebody you know is coping with it. Armed with accurate knowledge, you can steer clear of making bad decisions and will be better able to cope with your condition. Here are some common myths to dismiss when you have minor hearing loss. Hearing […]
Bananas don’t taste like they once did. There are rather different types of bananas being grown these days by banana farmers. These new bananas sprout faster, are more resilient, and can prosper in a wider range of climates. And they taste very different. So why haven’t you detected the great banana swap? Well, the truth […]
Every day scientists are coming up with new cures. That can be a good or bad thing. You may decide that you really don’t have to be very careful about your hearing because you read some promising research about prospective future cures for deafness. By the time you start showing symptoms of hearing loss, you […]
Have you avoided the calls from friends, family, and co-workers to finally get a hearing aid? Are you feeling like your hearing loss is not that bad right now and purchasing a hearing aid isn’t worth it? If your hearing keeps getting worse, it could cost you as much as $30,000 each year, even if […]
If you’re subjected to a lot of loud sound and don’t wear hearing protection, you may experience hearing loss down the road. Likewise, if you work on a noisy factory floor and don’t use ear protection, hearing loss might be in your future. These hearing loss causes are fairly common. But within the last few […]
For you and the people in your life, living with hearing loss can take some work to adjust to. It can also come with some hazards. What happens if a smoke detector is going off or somebody is shouting out your name but you can’t hear them? Car noises can indicate hazards ahead, but if […]
Even when it’s fairly mild, hearing loss can have a huge impact on your life. There will be a significant change in the way you communicate with family, friends, and coworkers. It can become a challenge to accomplish daily tasks such as going shopping. But that doesn’t mean it has to be all doom and […]
Want to take all the fun out of your next family gathering? Start talking about dementia. Dementia isn’t a subject most individuals are actively looking to talk about, mostly because it’s rather scary. A degenerative mental disease in which you gradually (or, more frighteningly, quickly) lose your cognitive faculties, dementia forces you to lose touch […]
You walk into the kitchen to look for a snack. Are you craving a salty treat… maybe some crackers? Chips sound good! There’s a leftover piece of cheesecake that would be delicious. Actually, maybe you should just have a banana. After all, a banana is a much healthier choice. When it comes to the human […]