Who doesn’t love finding a good bargain? But when it comes to your health, be careful what you buy and pay attention to the small details. We know, it can be confusing, the names are rather similar, but hearing aids and hearing amplifiers are not identical. And your general hearing and health could suffer serious […]
Even if you use glasses (the kind you put on your face, not the kind you drink out of), you still see your eye doctor yearly, right? Because, over time, your eyes change. Similar to the rest of your body, your eyes aren’t fixed and neither are your ears. That’s why, just as it is […]
You will still visit your eye doctor yearly even if you already use eyeglasses. Because your eyes change as time passes. Similar to the rest of your body, your eyes aren’t static and neither are your ears. That’s why, even after you’ve purchased hearing aids, it’s important to consistently get your ears examined just like […]
Public opinion surrounding marijuana and cannabinoids has changed remarkably over the past several decades. Cannabinoids, marijuana, and THC products are now legal for medical usage in many states. The idea that some states (fewer) even allow the recreational usage of pot would have been hard to imagine a decade ago. Cannabinoids are any compounds produced […]
No one’s really certain what causes Meniere’s disease. But it’s difficult to dismiss its impact. Ringing in the ears, dizziness, vertigo, and hearing loss are all common symptoms of this disease. Symptoms of Meniere’s disease appear to come from a buildup of fluid in the inner ear, but scientists aren’t really certain what causes that […]
It just feels good to save money, right? It can be invigorating when you’ve received a great deal on something, and the bigger discount, the more pleased you are. So letting your coupon make your buying choices for you, always looking for the least expensive items, is all too easy. When it comes to purchasing […]
Hearing loss can catch you by surprise, it’s true. But there are times when hearing problems suddenly pounce you like a cat instead of sneaking up on you. It could happen like this: you get up, drag yourself out of bed, and maybe you don’t notice until you finish showering but your hearing feels…off, or […]
You learn to adjust to life with tinnitus. You always keep the television on to help you tune out the constant ringing. You refrain from going out for happy hour with coworkers because the loud music at the bar makes your tinnitus worse for days. You’re always making appointments to try new techniques and therapies. […]
Want to show how much you care? Really listen when your loved ones talk to you. That calls for, of course, the ability to hear. According to research, millions of people would benefit from using hearing aids because one in three adults between the ages of 65 and 74 have some level of hearing loss. […]
You’re supposed to wear your hearing aids every day. But before you recycle your milk jugs, you’re supposed to wash them out too. We don’t always do what we’re supposed to. It’s the same for hearing aids. Occasionally we forget to take them with us. You might even forget to wear it for more than […]