The warmth and gaiety of festive family get-togethers is what the holidays are all about. As your grandchildren sing and play, you catch up with brothers and sisters, cousins, and kids, forging cherished memories. But it may feel like a real challenge to engage with these moments if you have hearing loss. Are you ready […]
Scientists still haven’t identified the cause of tinnitus, a ringing or buzzing in the ears. Hearing specialists, however, do agree that tinnitus is more prevalent in people who also have hearing loss. Some of the main factors that contribute to hearing loss are genetics, age, and lifestyle. And while it might seem like the symptoms […]
Hearing aids are crucial devices that help your hearing and enhance your quality of life. However, like any technological device, they require routine care and cleaning to ensure best possible performance. Routine maintenance can considerably increase their lifespan and ensure you’re hearing clearly. In this guide, we’ll go through the steps to properly clean and […]
Family Thanksgiving get-togethers are a time of storytelling, laughter, and, of course, giving thanks. It also provides a perfect caring environment to tackle essential health concerns, including hearing loss. With family members gathered around, this holiday can serve as a perfect moment to initiate a conversation about hearing troubles and encourage finding solutions. Getting ready […]
Tiredness can have a wide range of causes, ranging from a simple sleepless night to respiratory problems such as sleep apnea. But many people are surprised to learn that chronic fatigue and exhaustion can also be due to something relatively common: hearing loss. To some extent, that’s because hearing loss can be a gradually-moving, subtle […]
Autumn brings in its own engaging sounds you won’t want to miss, including the crackling of a warm fire, leaves crunching under your feet, and children laughing and playing. Now imagine those sounds fading away or becoming muddled, decreasing your enjoyment of these precious moments. Luckily, your autumn experience doesn’t need to be compromised because […]
For many people, the idea of hearing loss brings about fear and anxiety. It can be an intimidating thought that you may not be capable of hearing your world, and the fear that can result may stop many from finding the help they need. However, anxiety about hearing loss doesn’t need to stop you from […]
Normally, the first stages of hearing loss advance slowly. You might dismiss your need for people to repeat themselves as them mumbling or background noise. But as you reflect on this moment, a question arises: Am I losing my hearing? It will be easier to identify whether your own hearing is changing by understanding the […]
Surprisingly, about 20% of all ear infections afflict adults. The common notion is that ear infections are something that normally affect children. Ear infections are certainly more prevalent in children but adults do get them too. For adults with hearing impairments or hearing loss, ear infections can be especially inconvenient, as they can interact with […]
In the past, we called them “books-on-tape,” a term that seems almost archaic today. Nowadays we have digital streaming services and the term “audiobooks” has become the familiar term. Audiobooks offer a contemporary, convenient way to enjoy literature, turning the experience of reading into one of listening. Audiobooks: a modern approach to reading An audiobook […]