Is your motto have hearing aid will travel? If so, you probably already have a game plan in mind each time you take a vacation. If this is your first time hitting the road with a hearing aid, though, try to remember that planning ahead is the best way to protect and maintain the device […]
You workout regularly and watch your diet just to stay healthy but shouldn't that apply to your hearing too? Many people see a loss of hearing as a something that happens naturally due to aging but fail to take it into account how bad habits affect it. The hearing sense is one the most important […]
There is a complicated link between hearing and mood that tends to go unnoticed. A 2014 study conducted by researchers at The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) suggests a strong correlation exists between loss of hearing and mood disorders with both often going untreated. What that indicates for those with some […]
If you are one of the 25 million people in the U.S. with a medical condition called tinnitus, usually ringing in the ears, then you probably know that it tends to get worse when you are trying to fall asleep, but why? The ringing in one or both ears is not a real noise but […]
Unilateral hearing loss, or single sided deafness, is much more widespread than people realize, particularly in children. Because of this, the average person sees hearing loss as a black and white — someone has normal hearing in both ears or reduced hearing on both sides, but that dismisses one particular kind of hearing loss entirely. […]
You may think it would be evident, but hearing loss will be gradual, so how does one know they have it? There’s no shooting pain to function as a danger sign. You don’t lose consciousness or make extra trips to the bathroom when it happens, either. It’s safe to say the signs of hearing loss […]
Each new year and every new season brings with it the stuffy nose and itchy eyes that means allergies, but does that also mean you’ll have hearing loss? It might surprise you to know there is a connection for many people. You don’t necessarily associate hearing with the immune system, after all. It is not […]
Does what eat count when it comes to protecting your hearing? One thing doctors know for sure is that nutrition is critical for just about everything to do with health including your hearing. The truth is the most effective way to safeguard your hearing is to be conscious of noise hazards like the headphones you […]
A hearing aid is an investment, but is it a necessary one for ear health? People do tend to factor cost into the hearing aid equation instead of focusing on the health issues involved in hearing loss. The answer to this question is complicated, though, because hearing is a very diverse sense. There is a […]
There are likely to be a few things you don’t understand about earwax. After all, it’s not a normal part of a conversation, right? Like what’s the job of this strange sticky substance and why is it made? Consider eight ever so interesting details about cerumen — that’s earwax for most people — that you […]