Your hearing is one of your most beneficial assets, but what can you do to keep it safe? You probably already know that most people experience some hearing loss with age. What you might not know is that it has very little to do with getting older. This type of hearing loss occurs because of […]
What happens if you are the only one to realize you have hearing loss? It's a common scenario among elderly people. They fight to stay involved in conversations but the people around them assume there are other reasons they seem distracted. Older folks can suffer from a number of issues that make them seem distant. […]
I'm sure it's not my hearing because…if you find yourself saying that these days than you already understand how easy it is to deny hearing loss. The Hearing Loss Association of America explains that simply knowing that hearing loss exists is the biggest obstacle people face. It starts with admitting there's a problem and then […]
You know you're a big grump these days but don't know why? Hearing loss is a problem nearly 50 million people in this country face, according to the Hearing health Foundation, but, for many, it sneaks up on them with age. The problem doesn't end at your ears, either. Research shows that even mild hearing […]
If you have hearing loss then it might be time to do something about it, but for most people, there's a learning curve. The stuff you need to manage the problem doesn't always come cheap such as a good hearing aid, for example, or a hearing test, so your might be tempted to look around […]
Hearing aids make life better – true or false? Like most medical technology, there are larger than life myths surrounding hearing aids. Which ones are right and which ones are wrong, though? It's tough to pick out what facts are right and which are wrong because there is such a wide range of hearing aids […]
It's difficult to watch someone you love struggle, especially with something as basic as hearing. The Hearing Loss Association of America estimates one in every three people over the age of 65 will develop age-related hearing loss – many of them will be husbands with loving wives by their side letting them avoid testing. That […]
Do you hear that ringing in your ears and wonder where it comes from? You're not alone. It is estimated by the Hearing Health Foundation that 20 percent of Americans hear that same ringing sound, or ones similar to it, each day. Only around 16 percent of those with tinnitus will discuss the problem with […]
Is hearing loss more than a minor problem? Left undiagnosed, hearing loss has an extreme effect on life including damaging physical health, job performance and, yes, even social life. Some individual can take their hearing for granted, that's until they start noticing little changes like conversations that seem unclear or TV sound that no longer […]
Here’s something to stop doing today: cleaning your ears with anything smaller than your elbow. That’s right – even that box of swabs in your bathroom has a warning label somewhere on it that tells you not to stick them into your ear canal. Yet so many people still do it. Why? Especially when everyone […]