It's difficult to watch someone you love struggle, especially with something as basic as hearing. The Hearing Loss Association of America estimates one in every three people over the age of 65 will develop age-related hearing loss – many of them will be husbands with loving wives by their side letting them avoid testing. That […]
Do you hear that ringing in your ears and wonder where it comes from? You're not alone. It is estimated by the Hearing Health Foundation that 20 percent of Americans hear that same ringing sound, or ones similar to it, each day. Only around 16 percent of those with tinnitus will discuss the problem with […]
Is hearing loss more than a minor problem? Left undiagnosed, hearing loss has an extreme effect on life including damaging physical health, job performance and, yes, even social life. Some individual can take their hearing for granted, that's until they start noticing little changes like conversations that seem unclear or TV sound that no longer […]
Here’s something to stop doing today: cleaning your ears with anything smaller than your elbow. That’s right – even that box of swabs in your bathroom has a warning label somewhere on it that tells you not to stick them into your ear canal. Yet so many people still do it. Why? Especially when everyone […]
With an estimated 48 million people here in the U.S. suffering from some degree of hearing loss. It makes sense that there are scams associated with hearing aids, especially given the fact that many of the individuals in need of these devices are elderly and not a knowledgeable about technology. Current studies show that one […]
When hearing problems start, so does the advice. The first suggestion is usually, “You should get your hearing checked.” But to be honest, when loved ones first start lobbing that advice, most people don’t immediately jump in the car and drive madly to the hearing clinic. And they probably won’t mention a possible hearing problem […]
You have made a choice to improve your hearing, but what now? As a smart healthcare consumer, you'll want to think about a few things before you make take the next step and buy. Hearing aids come in various brands and styles, so finding out more before you buy is just smart. They come in […]