Does it seem like a hearing test is something you only get if you think you have a problem with your ears? Maybe a spouse complains you have the sound too high on the television when you watch your favorite show or you've noticed that conversations seem garbled more and more. Those are both practical […]
It is a fact that hearing loss affects around 14 percent of the adult population in this country – including 25 percent of people over the age of 55. Tack on another 14.9 percent for kids who have some degree of hearing loss, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the impact this […]
We all want to stay mentally sharp as we age, which is why brain training games have become so popular. They work to preserve our mental function and, even more significantly, our memories. But is that what’s actually happening? We won’t get into the debate here, but it is sufficient to say that the latest […]
Hearing loss is a widespread problem in the U.S., one affecting 48 million people – approximately 20 percent of the entire population. The chances you know someone who has hearing loss are around 1 in 5. Generally, hearing loss is due to prolonged exposure to loud sounds or simply the consequences of aging. For some […]
Tinnitus can be frustrating for a number of reasons. First, it’s entirely subjective, so you can’t show anyone what the ringing sounds like, how loud it is, or how bothersome it is. Second, there’s no objective way to measure tinnitus, so you can’t, for example, go into the doctor’s office, get some blood drawn, and […]
Getting New Hearing Aids: What to Expect… Hearing aids are a very personal thing: one size does not fit all. To get the best out of your hearing aids, make sure to prepare for each step along the way and to work with a qualified hearing care professional. Follow these steps for a successful hearing […]