Memory loss often takes center stage when it comes to concerns about our health, especially as we age. However, there are important reasons why we should also focus on our hearing. Hearing is a critical aspect of our daily lives; especially in building and sustaining relationships. However, hearing loss doesn't just disrupt communication, it is […]
Contributed by Debbie Clason, staff writer for Healthy Hearing Wednesday, April 15th 2015 Karen Van Doorne, Au.D., FAAA loves helping people hear better so much, she had a difficult time with retirement. "I retired in 2008 because I thought I was done with audiology — but I didn't like retirement at all," she said with […]
Contributed by Debbie Clason, staff writer for Healthy Hearing Thanks to your magnificent brain, you’ve been learning things since you were a child. In fact, much of what your brain does for you goes unnoticed – blinking, swallowing, listening – and we only become aware of it when doesn’t work like it should. Take hearing, for instance. […]
It may come as a surprise for many to learn that the symptoms of untreated hearing loss are very similar to those of Alzheimer’s Disease, and that the symptoms often assumed to be caused by worsening dementia are no more than the symptoms caused by impaired hearing. But the fact that untreated hearing loss worsens […]
The answer is “It depends”. What works for one person may not work for another. To answer this question takes a careful hearing evaluation by an audiologist to determine the degree of hearing loss and your individual lifestyle needs. The brand of instrument is secondary; we are concerned with how it works for you and […]
Buyer Beware! There are many products being advertised claiming a “cure” for tinnitus, or ringing in the ears. Research has shown no more effectiveness than a placebo. Just because a product may claim that it is “all natural”, does not mean it’s safe or effective. Be aware that herbal products can be expensive and claims […]
There are many things you can do to facilitate communication with a hard-of-hearing person. Get their attention before you speak and face them so they can see you as they will instinctively do some lip reading. Remember to speak clearly, not just loudly, and slow down! Rephrasing is always better than just repeating the same […]
Hearing aids have output limiters and when programmed appropriately for your hearing loss, they will not cause your hearing to worsen. However, hearing aids are not hearing protection. When around loud noise such as concerts, guns, or power tools, hearing protection should be worn. Some people comment that they feel their hearing loss is greater […]