By JANE E. BRODY Yvetta Fedorova Hearing loss, a disability currently untreated in about 85 percent of those affected, may be the nation’s most damaging and costly sensory handicap. It is a hidden disability, often not obvious to others or even to those who have it. Its onset is usually insidious, gradually worsening over years […]
Washington, DC — According to a 2011 national study by the Better Hearing Institute (BHI), people with untreated hearing loss lose as much as $30,000 in annual income. As a result, the cost to US tax payers could be as much as $26 billion in unrealized federal tax collections. The BHI study included over 40,000 […]
1. What type of hearing loss do I have? 2. Is it likely to get worse? 3. Would hearing instruments help me? What types are available? 4. How can I use my hearing to my best advantage? 5. What can I do to protect my hearing? 6. Are there precautions I should take in my […]
Tinnitus is generated by neuron activity in the brain, researchers say. Tinnitus, that phantom ringing in the ears that affects millions of people, is generated not by the ear, but by neurons firing in the brain, according to a North American research team. “Tinnitus is not generated by processes in the ear, but by changes […]
In just a short time, hearing aid batteries could be replaced by a drop of methanol. Danish scientists are working on replacing the existing batteries in hearing aids with easily rechargeable fuel cells which run on methanol. ”We have come further than we ever could have hoped when we started this project of designing methanol-based […]
Childhood music lessons may pay big dividends later in life by keeping the mind healthy. Older musicians perform better on tests of memory and other cognitive factors than peers who have never learned to play an instrument, according to a study by the American Psychological Association. Healthy adults ages 60-83 were tested on nonverbal memory, […]
A new Better Hearing Institute study shows increased quality of life with hearing aid use A new study by the Better Hearing Institute asked hearing aid owners to rate their hearing handicap reduction attributed to hearing aid usage as well as the impact of hearing aids on 14 quality of life factors. The key findings […]
Many shops in the UK do not provide looping systems for people with hearing loss. And among those who do, many are out of order. The British organisation for the hearing impaired, RNID, has investigated more than 1,500 businesses across the UK. They found a shocking lack of loop systems in shops and services. The […]
According to research out of Saint Louis University School of Medicine and The Ear Institute of Texas, your new Porsche 911 convertible may be exciting, but it can also damage your hearing. The researchers tested five popular convertibles and drove with the top down and wind in their ears at various speeds and measured the […]
It takes a village – or at least a lot of people – to make sure the growing population of hearing impaired Americans have access to better hearing in all venues. It is no wonder that a hearing disability is unfashionable when we are either embarrassed to acknowledge our hearing loss or afraid to wear […]