Dementia and hearing loss, what’s the connection? Brain health and hearing loss have a link which medical science is beginning to understand. Your risk of getting cognitive decline is higher with even minor hearing loss, as it turns out. Researchers think that there might be a pathological connection between these two seemingly unrelated health problems. […]
Tinnitus tends to get worse at night for the majority of the millions of people in the US that suffer with it. But why should this be? The ringing is a phantom sound caused by some medical disorder like hearing loss, it’s not an external sound. But none of that information can give a reason […]
There are two kinds of vacations, right? There’s the type where you cram every single activity you can into every single moment. These are the vacations that are recalled for years later and are packed with adventure, and you head back to work more worn out than you left. The other kind is all about […]
Tom is getting a brand new knee and he’s super pumped! Hey, the things you look forward to change as you get older. He will be capable of moving around more freely and will experience less pain with his new knee. So Tom is admitted, the operation is a success, and Tom heads home! That’s […]
Movies and TV shows tend to utilize close-ups (sometimes extreme close-ups) when the action starts getting really intense. That’s because the human face conveys a lot of information (more information than you’re probably consciously aware of). It’s no stretch to say that humans are very facially focused. So it’s no surprise that the face is […]
Once you get used to your hearing aid, it’s difficult to go without it. After all, your hearing aids are crucial to connect to your world. But just like any technology, though, it will need to be upgraded eventually. A hearing aid’s average lifespan A hearing aid will normally last 3 to 7 years. You […]
Your hearing won’t be just gone one day when you wake up. For most individuals, hearing loss comes in degrees, especially when it is related to aging. You may not realize it’s occurring right away but some indicators do show up earlier. The early symptoms of progressive hearing loss are discrete. Recognizing them sooner is […]
You know that scene in your favorite action movie where something explodes near the hero and the sound gets all high-pitched-buzzing? Well, at least some degree of minor brain trauma has likely happened to them. Naturally, action movies don’t emphasize the brain injury part. But that ringing in our hero’s ears signifies a condition called […]
You’ve watched the videos on TikTok. Babies, after they just get fitted for hearing aids, hearing the voice of their mother for the first time. In some videos, the baby is hesitant at first. They fight when the doctor attempts to place the device in their ear. Before they smile with joy, they might cry […]
Isn’t pizza great? As long as it meets a few basic criteria (crust, sauce, cheese, etc.) regardless of the toppings, it’s still pizza. That’s also like hearing loss. As long as you are having trouble hearing sound, whether it’s related to a blockage, age, loud noise, or anything else, it’s still hearing loss. Usually, when […]